Missions Team

Getting our hands dirty for Christ!

Led by Barb Walter-see contact info below

We strive to provide each person at CCUMC with the opportunity to participate in missions (locally, nationally and globally) so that we may fulfill and obey Christ’s great commission.  (Acts 1:8). 

Our Focus is:

Prayer is the foundation of all our mission work. 

To cultivate a mission focused culture within our church

Identify potential opportunities in our local community, state, nation and world.

Teach about and facilitate missions.

Support short and long term missions and missionaries.

Embrace a balanced approach to missions where each part of the body contributes according to one’s   gifts and talents.

Current Efforts

We support a refugee resettlement ministry here in Syracuse, we send missionaries into the mission field here and abroad, we provide filled back packs for kids that would not be prepared for school without them, we provide leadership to church services and meals at other local churches with need, provide church services at local nursing homes, we deliver meals for the hungry, we support the Nexus Seminary and United Through Hope in Christ in Uganda, just to name a few.

photo is of Pastor Clair sharing time with children in Uganda

           Contact Barbara Walter at bfwalter10@hotmail.com or

If you have a calling to lead a mission we are not serving we'd love to hear about it!